Henley Royal Regatta 2006
Main index | All (no thumbnails)
- Race 101 Thames Thames Tradesmens v Christchurch
- Race 102 Temple Univ of West of England B v St Cuthberts Society Durham
- Race 103 PE Reading Blue Coat School v Emanuel School
- Race 105 Wyfold Molesey v Marlow
- Race 105 Britannia London v St Michaels IRL
- Race 106 Thames Auriol Kensington v Belfast
- Race 107 Temple University of Bristol v Queens College Cambridge
- Race 108 PE The Oratory School v Tiffin School
- Race 109 Wyfold Combined Services v Royal Chester
- Race 110 PA Collingwood College Durham v Durham University
- Race 111 Thames Rv Treviris Trier 1921 GER v London B
- Race 112 Temple Loughborough Students v Newcastle University
- Race 113 PE St Johns High School USA v Belmont Hill School USA
- Race 114 Wyfold Lea v Nottingham and Union
- Race 115 PA University of London A v Reading University B
- Race 116 Thames City of Oxford v London C
- Race 117 Temple University College London v Liverpool University
- Race 118 PE Phillips Andover USA v Kingston Grammar School
- Race 119 Wyfold Thames B v London A
- Race 120 Britannia Star Club B v Molesey
- Race 121 Thames Mortlake Anglian and Alpha A v Southampton Coalporters A
- Race 122 Thames Agecroft v St Michaels IRL
- Race 123 Temple ASR Nereus NED v Manchester University
- Race 124 Wyfold Burway v York City
- Race 125 PA Queens University v Imperial College London
- Race 126 Thames Broxbourne v Vesta
- Race 127 Temple Jesus College Cambridge v Glasgow University
- Race 128 PE St Edwards School v Tabor Academy USA
- Race 129 Wyfold Thames A v Monmouth
- Race 130 Britannia Army v Lake Union Crew USA
- Race 131 Thames Reading v Cambridge 99
- Race 132 Temple Oxford Brookes University Bv Univ College Dublin IRL
- Race 133 PE Abingdon School v Monmouth School
- Race 134 Wyfold Llandaff v City of Cambridge
- Race 135 PA GSR Gyas NED v Magdalen and Exeter Colls Oxf
- Race 136 Thames Mortlake Anglian and Alpha B v Molesey
- Race 137 Temple Southampton University v Univ California Berkley USA
- Race 138 PE Westminster School v St Andrews College RSA
- Race 139 Wyfold City of Sheffield v Staines
- Race 140 Britannia Cantabrigian v York City
- Race 141 Thames Newark v Thames A
- Race 142 Temple Univ of West of England A v Nottingham University
- Race 143 PE St Pauls School v Bedford School
- Race 144 Wyfold Norwich v Quintin
- Race 145 PA Kent School USA v University of London B
- Race 146 Thames Henley v The Tideway Scullers School
- Race 147 Temple Pangbourne College v LMBC
- Race 148 PE Radley College v Eton College
- Race 149 Wyfold Leander Club v Mitsubishi JPN
- Race 150 Britannia Aberdeen v City of Oxford
- Race 151 Thames Nottinghamshire County RA v Kingston
- Race 152 Temple Imperial College v London Edinburgh University
- Race 153 PE Hampton School v Pangbourne College
- Race 154 Wyfold Vesta v Furnivall Sculling Club
- Race 155 PA University of Bristol v University of Cincinnati USA
- Race 156 Thames Hamburger und Germania GER v Curlew
- Race 157 Temple Oxford Brookes University A v University of Warwick
- Race 158 PE Thomas Jefferson HS USA v Kent School USA
- Race 159 Wyfold City of Oxford v Henley
- Race 160 Britannia Reading v Star Club A
- Race 161 Thames Combined Services v City of Bristol
- Race 162 Temple Pembroke and Christ Church Oxf v Cornell University USA
- Race 163 PE Shiplake College v St Ignatius College Prep USA
- Race 164 Wyfold Tyne v London C
- Race 165 PA Reading University A v GSR Aegir NED
- Race 166 Thames Neptune IRL v Thames B
- Race 167 Temple University of Birmingham v Kings College London
- Race 168 PE Bedford Modern School v Shrewsbury School
- Race 168a PE Bedford Modern School v Shrewsbury School rerow
- Race 169 Wyfold Cardiff City v London B
- Race 170 Britannia Lea v Wallingford
- Race 171 Temple University of York v Trinity College Dublin IRL
- Race 172 Temple DSR Proteus-Eretes NED v Exeter University
- Race 173 PE St Georges College v Canford School
- Race 174 Wyfold Belfast A v Birmingham
- Race 175 PA Goldie v Manchester University
- Race 176 Thames Upper Thames v London A
- Race 177 PE The Kings School Canterbury v Latymer Upper School
- Race 178 PE The Kings School Chester v Winchester College
- Race 179 Wyfold Milton Keynes v Belfast B
- Race 180 Britannia Marlow v Thames
Revised: 23-May-20